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How To Remove Bad Reviews On Google Using GetDandy

Reputation Management for Local Businesses | GetDandy

Irvine, CA based GetDandy recently published a blog post discussing how bad Google reviews can be removed with their help. Reviews are a very important part of any business’ online presence as they give potential customers an idea of what to expect from a particular company. They essentially inform a person whether or not a particular company is trustworthy, so bad reviews can seriously affect the business’ reputation, in turn reducing its profitability. With GetDandy, it is possible to remove harmful, negative reviews and improve a company’s online reputation.

“If you think that reviews don’t matter, it’s time to think again,” says the blog post. “Studies show that 9 out of every 10 consumers today check reviews before making a purchase. This means that having good reviews can go a long way towards helping you land a sale. But even a single bad review can be enough to make customers think twice. Unfortunately, bad reviews are often the result of one customer’s ill opinion, which can be influenced by a variety of factors. While it can be devastating to discover a bad review on Google or other review sites, there is hope.” Fortunately, the full post sheds some light on GetDandy’s strategies.

GetDandy makes use of their own proprietary advanced machine learning technology to scan review pages on popular sites. The first step is to register a business on each of the review sites that customers are likely to leave reviews on. Which sites these are varies from industry to industry, and business owners or account managers should consider a variety of platforms, including TripAdvisor, Google or even specialty websites dedicated to specific industries. The technology identifies negative reviews and systematically and consistently removes them. This includes negative reviews that the business might not normally have been able to find on its own.

The platform GetDandy has created is designed to handle any number of bad reviews, be it 2 or 2000. Many business owners do not believe that it is worthwhile investing in getting bad reviews removed if there are very few of them, but it can make a world of difference. One or two bad reviews can seriously harm a business, so getting rid of them can greatly benefit the business’ reputation.

“More than 85 percent of customers use Google and Google Maps to find businesses in their area,” GetDandy says. “But if you have a few hundred, a few dozen or even just a few negative reviews on your business’s Google listing it may leave customers thinking twice about visiting your business. But with GetDandy, you can get negative Google reviews removed consistently and systematically. And because GetDandy uses machine learning technology, you can focus on improving your business’s reputation in other ways while we take care of your bad reviews for you. Now that you know how to remove bad Google reviews, it’s time to get to work. Schedule a GetDandy Review Removal Meeting today to learn more about how we can help get rid of negative reviews and improve your business’s reputation.”

GetDandy’s services have had a profound effect on how businesses approach their reputation and how they manage it. There was a time when businesses were beholden to negative online reviews and could have their reputation utterly ruined by a few displeased customers — or even malicious parties. With the help of GetDandy, this is no longer a concern for many businesses. Their software is a powerful reputation management tool which has already helped many businesses rebuild their reputation totally or avoid having it ruined in the first place.

GetDandy says, “Our seasoned Review Team and proprietary software will help remove your bad reviews on your behalf. Focus on your business, we will focus on taking down the review. Our team has taken down more than 7,000 defamatory reviews from sites like Google, Facebook.”

For more information on GetDandy and their review removal service, visit their website at the following link: Starting the process of rebuilding the damaged reputation of a business could be as easy getting in contact with GetDandy today.

SOURCE: Press Advantage

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