How Review Commenting Can Increase SEO & Online Presence?

How Commenting on Reviews can Increase for Search Engine Optimization and Online Presence?

Does responding to reviews on your business page or Google listing help to improve local SEO? There are different theories about the impact of reviews on SEO, but Google officials have already confirmed that responding to reviews will help your business to get more exposure. Seeing comments on reviews as the content is not common, and some businesses don’t even bother to respond to negative reviews.

Personal recommendations and suggestions by friends or colleagues matter a lot, but the recent buying decisions of 88% of online shoppers are also influenced by online reviews. You potential buyers can skip your brand just after reading the negative review.

Does responding to reviews help with SEO?

Interacting with business reviews shows that you care about your audience and it also helps to build a personal connection on a whole new level. Personalization is the best way to offer the desired services to meet the client’s expectations. Not only your visitors, but Google also identifies this response strategy to be effective for online business growth.

Build Connection with Customers by Commenting on their Reviews

Responding to customers’ reviews build a soft image of your business and new visitor acknowledge your online activity to interact with the customers. Apart from landing new customers, retaining the old ones is also important.

Negative reviews are inevitable and part of the business, but fake negative reviews can be removed with legal assistance. GetDandy legal team can help your business to remove negative reviews from the Google page or any other review site.

How to respond to all Business Reviews?

You might be receiving hundreds of daily reviews on different platforms, and it will be nearly impossible to interact with such an audience at once. GetDandy can provide the necessary resources and tools required for an effective review strategy. You can control all of your business profiles right from GetDandy, and automatic triggers will post an automated response to the new reviews on different platforms. Your words of appreciation make the customer feel special, and they realize that you care about your customers.

How to Respond to Negative Reviews?

Review management is critical for business success, and you need to deal with negative reviews in an appropriate way. If not done right, a negative review is going to stick with your brand name for a long time. Here are some professional ways to deal with negative reviews:

  • Apologize for the inconvenience and welcome them again
  • Keep calm and respond professionally.
  • Ask them to contact you offline.
  • Deal politely

Can I delete the negative review?

As positive reviews help the businesses to improve local SEO ranking, and negative reviews can sabotage your business reputation. With the right action plan and legal expertise, you can file for the removal of fake reviews on Google. Doing all of this on your own may not be possible due to a lack of experience. If you want a legal team of marketing professionals, contact GetDandy for effective review response tools and negative review removal services.

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