How to Remove Defamatory and Bad Reviews on Facebook Page?

How to Remove Defamatory or Fake Reviews on Facebook Page

Are you wondering how to remove defamatory or fake reviews on Facebook page accounts?

Negative or fake reviews on Facebook page business accounts can persuade clients not to use your products or services. As such, you might fail to get new customers or even develop a strong following on the platform.

Knowing how to remove a bad review on Facebook is an essential skill for your social media team. Below, we’ll go into our top advice for deleting a bad review from Facebook. Keep reading to learn more!

Comment on the Negative Reviews

Too many businesses make the mistake of not commenting on negative reviews because they believe it will attract more attention to that review. In truth, though, commenting prevents you from losing business. It can even increase your chances that the review will get deleted.

When you comment, you should try to address the user’s concern. This shows your other customers that you care about the quality of your work.

Commenting on negative reviews also allows you to report the review to Facebook. Facebook won’t let you report negative reviews that don’t have some sort of text on them. Once you comment, you can report the review.

See If They Violate the Community Standards

Facebook has set forth a list of Community Standards by which each user must abide. If someone violates the standards, Facebook will remove the comment. 

If the review is threatening, uses excessive foul language, or is in any way explicit, report it to Facebook. Fake reviews also violate the authenticity portion of Facebook’s Community Standards. This is especially true if someone is impersonating a brand or other figure.

Reporting the Posts

To report fake Facebook reviews, you should go to the upper right portion of the comment. You’ll see a small arrow. Click on it, then select “Report post.” 

Once you report the post, you’ll have no control over whether it gets removed or not. That will be up to Facebook. 

Hiding Reviews

If you want to remove defamatory or fake reviews on Facebook page accounts but are awaiting Facebook’s decision, try hiding your reviews. 

To do this, go to your settings and click “Templates and Tabs.” Under the “Reviews” section, click “Off.”

Be aware, though, that this will also prevent your clients from seeing positive reviews. As such, you might struggle to attract new clients because they won’t know if they can trust your company. So, you should always try to remove fake reviews on Facebook page accounts when possible.

Remove Defamatory or Fake Reviews on Facebook Page Accounts

If you’re still struggling to remove defamatory or fake reviews on Facebook page accounts, you’re not alone. While you can get rid of reviews, it might be more difficult if the reviews don’t violate Facebook’s policies.

That’s where we come in. At GetDandy, we’ve removed more than 5,000 negative and fake reviews. This helps our clients preserve the reputation of their companies.

Want to learn more about what we can do for you? Book a demo today!

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