How to Respond to Negative Reviews During COVID-19? GetDandy

Responding to Reviews during COVID-19

COVID-19 has been the worst thing of the decade that not only took millions of human lives but also crippled the global economy. Millions of employees were fired due to a lack of resources and thousands of businesses had to shut down their operations. Lockdown forced consumers to limit their activities so eventually, businesses ran out of capital and the surviving businesses were facing different challenges.

2020 has been stressful for businesses as they had to spend additional resources for the satisfaction of their customers. If your business is receiving negative reviews during the pandemic, you are not alone. The same is happening with every business out there. Many businesses could not adopt the new trends so failed to meet the users’ expectations.

Responding to Reviews during Coronavirus

When the users face any challenge or issue with any business, they tend to blame the business instead of understanding the limitations faced by the business. In these critical times, you need to adopt new marketing strategies and review management methods. Instead of ignoring the reviews on different platforms, you actively need to connect with your audience and consumers.

Responding to Positive Reviews

If your business received a positive review, you can approach the customer to say thanks and offer him more details about your business. Reaching out to your existing customers is a great way to retain them no matter what. They are more likely to buy again if you offer them any bespoke or customized offer.

How to interact with customers?

Reaching out to thousands of customers with traditional marketing channels may not be possible. With the changing buying behaviors of your audience, you also modify your marketing strategies. Using text message marketing is one of the most effective methods as almost everyone is spending most of his time on mobiles. GetDandy offers an intelligent text message marketing solution for local businesses that can be used to promote your new offers and shape the buyer’s review.

Responding to Negative Reviews

A negative review can be frustrating but you don’t need to panic as ups and downs are the parts of the business. You need to respond to these negative reviews with a positive attitude. You can ask the reviewer to share his experience so that you can compensate him with the possible offer.

Prevent Negative Reviews

Another way to use the GetDandy text message marketing tool is to contact the customer right after the purchase with your business. This proactive approach will make them realize that you really care for your customers and the issue was caused by the pandemic situation. Reaching out to your customers before they leave the review can help you to prevent the possible negative review from hurting your business.

How to Remove Negative Reviews?

If your business ends up with negative reviews for any reason, you don’t need to settle for the dropped sales and revenue. GetDandy can help you with the removal of negative reviews so your business can grow despite challenges and limitations caused by the pandemic.

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